/pagan/ - Paganism

Druids and Meme Magic

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Meta thread Meme Druid 01/14/2016 (Thu) 21:37:02 Id: c790d1 [Preview] No. 21
From how bad it's getting on Crippledchan, I think endchan may actually take off. I can't even post images on that 'imageboard' anymore. I've never seen such incompetence persist for such a long time, they clearly don't give a fuck anymore.

To this end, we should start thinking about the future here on endchan. I've actually bothered to put down some rurus now. Pic related, sorry about the redundant rule numbering, I'll fix that at some point.

We will need banners, flags, css and a couple volunteers. To be a volunteer you'll have to come to the IRC on Rizon's #pagan, started just for this board (in other words empty af right now).

I'll leave this thread up for a while, since for some reason everyone is still using the Crippledchan. I think they're waiting for Infinity Next to actually hit, but it keeps being pushed back and back tricking thousands into enduring a hopelessly broken site longer than they otherwise would.

Meme Druid 01/21/2016 (Thu) 23:18:48 Id: c790d1 [Preview] No. 28 del
IRC channel link added to board message at the top of the page.

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