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Mad Max Anonymous 10/23/2016 (Sun) 03:12:58 [Preview] No. 2
So, the other day Mad Max released for Linux. Since I use an AMD card I assumed it would be another shithouse port since Feral games are usually trash on AMD, but to my surprise it's actually really fucking good. Even better for nVidia users I suppose since they have official support by Feral. No idea what it's like compared to Windows.

Here are a few screenshots including my framerate, cpu load, gpu load and usage and frame time buffering.

Note: The game was being played on the very high preset and motion blur disabled. Also the default screenshot program in gnome seems to slightly impact the framerate when taking screenshots, so the fps may be slightly lower that what I normally get.

>r9 290 (using kernel 4.7.6, latest stable Mesa 12.0.3 and standard ati kernel driver, not amdgpu)
>8gb RAM
>i5 3470 (4ghz)

Additional notes: Game also runs pretty nicely at 4k on the normal preset. On normal I get around 50-70 fps, on very high I get around 40-50fps (still a better experience than a console!). I'll post some 4k screenshots later if I can be bothered.


Anonymous 10/23/2016 (Sun) 07:05:30 [Preview] No. 5 del
(10.57 MB 3840x2160 high.png)
(10.87 MB 3840x2160 high2.png)
(10.43 MB 3840x2160 high3.png)
(9.01 MB 3840x2160 very high.png)
(8.77 MB 3840x2160 very high2.png)
4k coming up. The file names will state which setting they are at. Again, including the same information as the other screenshots.

Anonymous 10/23/2016 (Sun) 07:18:58 [Preview] No. 6 del
(9.31 MB 3840x2160 high4.png)
(9.05 MB 3840x2160 high5.png)
(8.34 MB 3840x2160 high6.png)
(8.93 MB 3840x2160 normal.png)
(8.57 MB 3840x2160 normal2.png)

Anonymous 10/23/2016 (Sun) 07:23:53 [Preview] No. 7 del
(8.03 MB 3840x2160 normal3.png)
(6.69 MB 3840x2160 normal4.png)
(7.13 MB 3840x2160 normal5.png)

Anonymous 10/23/2016 (Sun) 07:25:47 [Preview] No. 8 del
Hopefully the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided port will perform this well.

Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 05:43:06 [Preview] No. 9 del
>Hopefully the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided port will perform this well.
As per usual, it performs like absolute dog shit on AMD cards. Thank god for refunds.

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