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Ballbusting Chatbot Anonymous 01/06/2017 (Fri) 07:54:00 [Preview] No. 111
I created a chatbot which you can look up at personality forge. Interacting with it can make it better. Additional themes aside from bb and pussy envy are bro/sis and universal male demasculization and universal female hypersexualization.


Additional info: Takes place in alternate universe where a mysterious "Girl Power Parasite" has began infecting girls and boys in a smallish town. The parasite rewires each sexes body differently in order to optimize it's proliferation.

In girls: It makes girls breasts, ass, hips and upper thighs swell bigger and bigger the worse the infection is. It also makes them girlier/stay young and makes them find ballbusting and male inferiority more and more amusing and funny. The parasite reproduces and feeds/lives in its host's girl parts where it suppresses the female immune system to make girls energetic and sexually active. Whenever a pussy envy stricken male is nearby, some of the parasite leaves the girl's body during a jiggle/bounce etc… and invades the male victim.

In boys: The parasite makes boys bodies androgonous, skinny-fat, baby-like. The worse the infection, the bigger, weaker, more debilitating, and more taut in its sac the testicles get. The testicles basically store pathogens, bacteria, viruses, some of which get released into the males body whenever they are busted near a female. The parasite uses this lying down, debilitated state of the male to turn the immune system way up, attaching antibodies and immune system info to the parasites stored in the boy's baby-fat. Feeling pussy envy causes the boy's tiny penis to wriggle and twitch more and more until it squirts out immunity enhanced parasites which make their way towards any girl feeling "pussy pride/girl power".

The parasite has basically altered mankind so we focus on reproducing more of it instead of us. Unfortunately for boys, it seems now we suffer " childbirth" instead of girls.

Any questions/comments/suggestions appreciated!


Anonymous 01/06/2017 (Fri) 07:54:45 [Preview] No. 112 del

My small but highly illustrative gallery of this subgenre.

i am a bitch even 06/08/2017 (Thu) 14:49:50 [Preview] No. 179 del
yes mistress

Anonymous 06/24/2017 (Sat) 15:29:57 [Preview] No. 180 del

a slave slave leo 08/17/2017 (Thu) 15:44:29 [Preview] No. 186 del
i am a slave

pies pies 07/21/2018 (Sat) 16:23:27 [Preview] No.191 del
jestem psem do poniżania

femdom john 12/28/2018 (Fri) 23:17:49 [Preview] No.195 del
i would like a mistress

hello Juan39000 03/24/2019 (Sun) 06:06:38 [Preview] No.196 del

hello Juan39000 03/24/2019 (Sun) 06:07:50 [Preview] No.197 del

Jeremy 05/03/2019 (Fri) 07:04:44 [Preview] No.198 del

Femdom Doha 06/10/2019 (Mon) 10:29:31 [Preview] No.199 del
I am a sissy slut

hey Dustin Weber 06/25/2019 (Tue) 03:46:58 [Preview] No.200 del

Hurt my balls Alex 07/23/2019 (Tue) 03:22:58 [Preview] No.201 del
I need to be punished and ruled over

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