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This Foreign Horror Movie Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 17:44 [Preview] No. 50977
there was this Foreign Horror movie I saw over the summer last Year and I'll cut straight to it the main monster in the movie is this like 10 - 15 foot Monster Spider and it well doesn't kill in the normal sense of the word well not regarding the female characters.

I'll get right down to what I mean there one of the main female characters in it is getting chased by it but doesn't realise that it's making her run right into it's trap, where she's runs right into his web she loses both of her shoes while running into the web because the ground around the web is sticky from it, also didn't have any socks on. He doesn't stick his needle into her well he does but not for the reason you would have thought he was going to do. only to make her paralyzed enough to make her immobile but not enough that she doesn't feel what he originally intended.

It's not what you think, the guy has sex with her and you see the whole fucking thing from the moment he rips her leggings to seeing his penis (yes you even see that it's a purple blueish colour with a dark red-ish tip) getting erect to him ramming it inside her, hearing her moans and cries as he thrusts it in her. the whole damn scene is like five minutes long, and the damn thing is I can't remember what was called. I have been trying find out for ages what it was and wonder if any one else here might have an idea to what it was.

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