/pone/ - World of Equestria

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Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 07:04 [Preview] No. 10190 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Can someone explain to me why they draw something like this? You want to look for pictures of ponies with just a fat belly, and the whole rendition on booru is littered with this shit.
2 posts omitted.

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:07 [Preview] No.10255 del
I once was looking for a Princess Celestia image where it showed her with some meat on her bones. Not overweight, not morbidly obese, just a nice hefty mare. All I saw was too-fat Celestia. With other and probably also canonical depictions of Celestia, she looks to skinny.

(Ignore the following if you want. Thread maybe going to get deleted: >>10196 - I didn't post any thing there; I'm this guy: >>10254.)

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:23 [Preview] No.10256 del
Found what I was looking for from searching "princess celestia,horse,solo":
1426016 977583 406604 919302

If it did exist, something like "chubby", or "overweight but not obese". For my Princess Celestia explanation: this would be "anatomically correct" in reference to the barrel of the pony. "Barrel" is "horse jargon"; it's akin to the trunk of a human. However, the anatomically correct tag mainly refers to genitals, so nope. The tag "horse" kinda means "anatomically correct". Maybe "anatomically correct barrel", but that sounds odd.

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:29 [Preview] No.10257 del
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/barrel n.
>The ribs and belly of a horse or pony.
"anatomically correct belly"
"anatomically correct ribs"
"anatomically correct ribs and belly"

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 19:04 [Preview] No.10261 del
(455.26 KB 1131x707 1682735.png)
>Maybe "anatomically correct barrel"
The trick isn't deciding what's wrong with the tags as-used-now, the trick is convincing the unwashed hordes it's worth going back to re-tag all the backlog of artwork so you can find what you want and exclude what you don't.

If you weren't so very, very alone, this would be reasonable, because that same unwashed horde would realize they could sort, favorite, and blacklist with greater precision.

And then you find out there are bronies who are angry because their upload of some art they found somewhere on the interwebs was denied because they couldn't string four tags together to describe what they were uploading.

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 03:06 [Preview] No.10264 del
The problem is those who have porn brain pollute things to freakish fetish territory. Kind of the way fetishes work. Anons who have more tastefull and moderate taste don't have good tags. You can find some attempts "reasonably sized X," but still their needs to be tagging work.

>(Ignore the following if you want. Thread maybe going to get deleted: >>10196 - I didn't post any thing there; I'm this guy: >>10254.)
I am not 100% familiar with the cultural norms here, but while they cluster to single threads I don't think they would delete this, at least right away, while your still asking a question.

Even if alone, it isn't completely undoable. Personal booru software and a some elbow grease you could amass a good collection of reasonable pony images. Keep a list and mass tag the shit when you get a good idea of what to look for.

Wasn't there a anon here who did talk about something like this once? I don't think it was fetish related though.

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/Seapone/ - The Seapony Thread Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 10:26 [Preview] No. 6625 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Have you ever craved the feeling of a warm fire while snuggled under a blanket? Possibly with hot cocoa? From idyllic scenes of a cozy log cabin or even something as simple as spending time on the computer with your favorite snack while surfing the web till the wee hours of the morning the feeling of /comfy/, homely experiences and simple pleasures, is one we all can enjoy.

However... have you ever wanted those things while underwater?

If so, then /Seapone/ is for you! /Seapone/ is /endpone/'s thread dedicated to Seaponies and secondarily aquatic themes and creatures of Equestria at large with a slight twist: the sea as a homely and /comfy/ place. /Seapone/ will not turn away other themes or concepts but by and large this thread aims to be a celebration of the softer and gentler side to what lies beneath the ocean depths and what better way to do so then with Seaponies? Especially Gen 4's take on them?

Sit back. Relax and take your shoes off. And dive in to the ocean depths. It's Seapony posting time!
241 posts and 305 images omitted.

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 12:36 [Preview] No.9263 del
>banner out of place
Hello, tthere is a Seapony general here and we are posting in it. Having a Seapony banner is completely natural here regardless of there relevancy to whatever Hasbro is putting out.

>fortune teller
I would say there isn't much of a fortune predicted but I do recall this place having meme longed pony glimglam first so who knows?

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 07:44 [Preview] No.9811 del
(673.32 KB 2162x1442 3179224.jpeg)
PoLS acknowledged. Dolores' bridges not only continue to stay crossed but now have a full underwater addition as well!

Canon debut in gen 5 (April 2024) Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 02:03 [Preview] No.10133 del
It took 7 years to introduce seaponies for Friendship is Magic whereas gen 5 has just added them with half the time.

With most species in gen 5 gone,after reintroducing both the breezies and dragons, seaponies have turned out to take the 3rd place on the list.

Ironic that they are perceived as some sort of nostalgic throwback to the 4th generation,in spite of their lateness back then.

Funny,I had assumed that they would be reincorporated by the next decade,not in 2024...

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:39 [Preview] No.10171 del
(483.28 KB 2100x1537 2543733.jpeg)
The Seaponies coming back before other G4 keystones wasn't on my bingo card either, but hey, I can't complain!

Certain other races might though... they are a bit too land bound.

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Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 01:14 [Preview] No. 3433 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
quality board you got here
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Anon 12/07/2022 (Wed) 04:37 [Preview] No.8496 del
(730.67 KB 2300x3000 1368657.png)
How many people are typically posting here if you know?

Anon 12/08/2022 (Thu) 07:19 [Preview] No.8498 del
(576.21 KB 1280x720 large.png)
About three, but can you pick a less corrupt thread to speak in?
The browser I usually use collapses the no-image imageholder space and I can't look at this thread without switching to the index, then bringing up the initial post by number, then clicking reply.

I mean, you could create a "new thread for foreigners" or something...

Anyway, three mainly and a few stragglers that keep poking their nose through the door a few times a year.

So, we have names, since there's so few of us.
CB - for writing in the Conversion Bureau universe
Bridgefag, for being the BO on a board about bridges, and long ponies who look like bridges.
Carrots - who, in addition to liking NMM, talking fish, and bondage, also likes carrots.

...So, as you can imagine, those aren't really our names, but we call each other that anyway. I don't know L23's story.

What's yours? How shall we call you?

Anon 12/08/2022 (Thu) 10:52 [Preview] No.8499 del
(1.08 MB 2400x2848 1347554616658.png)
I'll make a new thread then and respond there.

Anon 12/08/2022 (Thu) 11:09 [Preview] No.8501 del

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:28 [Preview] No.9968 del
It's 0 posts exepct for me

(378.41 KB 938x935 1366919179862.png)
New thread for New people Anon 12/08/2022 (Thu) 10:56 [Preview] No. 8500 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Making this thread on advice to do so since the thread I was using is apparently not so great.

I'm new here, stumbling in due to someone mentioning the existance of this site to me.
Figured I'd say hello and see what's up around here.

The name I typically go by is Raptor.
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Anon 12/12/2022 (Mon) 15:06 [Preview] No.8515 del
(51.69 KB 900x943 laying beauty.jpg)

>interesting stuff to the table
Well, I'm glad that what I'm talking about is at least in part interesting.

yeah it's not really something I pay attentoin to much myself either aside from the pony thread.

>african word
I learned recently there's a ton of african words that aren't actually of any african language.
A ton were added by europeans because they lacked a lot of concepts that europeans had at the time. a good example is the word future or tomorrow.
But I know little else outside of that and a few other examples.

yeah pretty much.
moots an idiot.

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Anon 12/13/2022 (Tue) 00:00 [Preview] No.8516 del
>Well, I'm glad that what I'm talking about is at least in part interesting.
yeah,well...you have opened the thread so... I am certainly listening for complementing it.

>yeah it's not really something I pay attentoin to much myself either aside from the pony thread.
well, different preferences, I guess. I mean, entitlement within anonymous circles doesn´t count very much (and it can easily backfire) but the interest wouldn´t be taken away from you so, the trade was worthwhile in the long run.

>yeah pretty much. moots an idiot.
just because one comes to the same conclusion that thousands of other people have already said for years doesn´t change at all the result. He´s no longer taking part in this game.

>I learned recently there's a ton of african words that aren't actually of any african language. A ton were added by europeans because they lacked a lot of concepts that europeans had at the time. a good example is the word future or tomorrow. But I know little else outside of that and a few other examples.

interesting. Even though it makes a lot of sense considering that writing systems were pretty much non-existent (with a handful of exceptions of course) and the illiteracy rates were downright dreadful at the time,let´s not going to lie ourselves.

Keep in mind that technology doesn´t simply apply to objects or digital devices, language stands as technology as well.

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Anon 12/13/2022 (Tue) 00:35 [Preview] No.8517 del
>That makes it interesting in an of itself, doesn't it? an unchanging place of old guard?
does 2017 (or 2016 for the creation of this board) count as something worthy to qualify as old at this point? I mean, the internet makes things feel old pretty fast but still, those are big words in my eyes.

>I havne't looked much through the catalogue yet, is there any threads you'd recommend
pretty much what I haven´t hidden in these two screencaps. I think that the 5 NMAiE generals (the equivalent of the MLP General) should give you an index of the main relevant threads that have been popping up over time as well as some works from the main users.

>yeah something like that, who is CB?
someone who definitely stands out for writing Conversion Bureau stories that have been shared around here. Also, he is the main active user for the /webm/ thread as well as some of the MLP music that he shares around there. His main threads are >>/7485/ and >>/4724/.

By the way, he is the oldest user of this place by a long shot (even close to being an original user when the 8chan migration test occurred) but we had to figure out to his status indirectly, he doesn´t claim that by himself. For the most part, there are some subtleties and indirect puns in order to send a hidden message throughout his posts at times, so he...is Outside this place, IIRC I think that he has a Twibooru profile for his activity in other circles as well as turning into the owner (?) of /8pone/ for keeping it alive to some degree.

>it wasn't so much political, it was the fact that a major chain of gaming media outlets were blackmailing people and taking bribes, including the demand for sex, in order to guarantee good reviews of games, irrespective of if the game was good or not.had very little to do with poltics, but of course the journalists who were caught out decided to make it about politics and started crying about all sorts of unrelated things.

oh boy, corruption and suitcases full of money in order to give those valuable 9s and 10s for unfinished games that wouldn´t get a pass under normal circumstances. Corruption as its finest and that doesn´t surprise me in the slightest. I understand a little bit better why /v/ considers gaming journalism as a job that is more frowned upon than anything else. Just another layer on top of a really messed up industry that focuses on clicks and fast articles (lack of infrastructure and academia except for retro gaming stuff).

>what is the name you go by?

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Anon 12/13/2022 (Tue) 06:31 [Preview] No.8518 del
>who is CB?
/me raises hoof

>for writing Conversion Bureau stories
I'm also proud of my FoE pieces, which have also been shared around.
Look in the BookFort thread to find them, if you like. I've never felt it was finished enough to publish it on FiMfiction but some have liked what they've seen.

> For the most part, there are some subtleties and indirect puns in order to send a hidden message throughout his posts
I just finished listening to Vaceslav singing about this topic.

I mentioned somewhere around here that Ponies at Dawn were releasing an album? It includes an EDM remake of Scarborough Fair.

I think that he has a Twibooru profile
Twibooru is down ATM though, so there isn't that.

I was able to find a "scared Sweetie Belle" .stl file on Thingiverse. Haven't tried printing it yet because the printer is broken - again - but since I'm trying to wind down for the start of my work-week tomorrow, I'll end with a recharging sweetiebot instead.

Anon 12/31/2022 (Sat) 16:32 [Preview] No.8525 del
>me raises hoof

eeeyup, that completes the whole lineup of main users that use this site.

>I'm also proud of my FoE pieces, which have also been shared around.
I forgot about that while I was typing it. Hopefully enough, all your works happen to be registered on FIMFiction or somewhere else because it facilitates the diffusion of said works with a greater chance to stand the test of time among those who read said works.

>Scarborough Fair
thanks for reminding that I can play that song...quite the opposite from that musical blast, I must say

>Twibooru is down ATM though, so there isn't that.

at the time, it wasn´t working. Visiting the site right now is a whole different story, however...

...that is to say, you still exist.

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Anon 05/22/2022 (Sun) 20:13 [Preview] No. 8264 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
byłoby szkoda gdyby ktoś nasrał na taki ładny czan
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Sage Anon 09/08/2022 (Thu) 09:14 [Preview] No.8398 del
for both /flutter/ and 8/pone/.

Anon 09/08/2022 (Thu) 09:15 [Preview] No.8399 del
i am retarded

Anon 09/09/2022 (Fri) 01:38 [Preview] No.8401 del
well, up until the queen died. I can't get to /pone/ there anymore than I could the popular board.

Try again tomorrow

Anon 09/09/2022 (Fri) 09:20 [Preview] No.8404 del
Don't count'em out just yet. I know a certain anon who is trying to hold down the fort there. Though I agree it is certainly endangered and at high risk.


Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:27 [Preview] No.9965 del

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Anon 09/25/2023 (Mon) 21:10 [Preview] No. 8795 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
post ponies.

Anon 09/25/2023 (Mon) 23:57 [Preview] No.8796 del
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Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 12:37 [Preview] No.9940 del
i mean, were all posting ponies here, but ok

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Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 05:58 [Preview] No. 7734 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

But obviously we don't need to duplicate the storage actions of Derpi, Twibooru, et al, but ...
What images stopped you, as you scrolled by?
What images haunt you, when you think of pony at work or school?

In short, show us who is best pony by virtue of having the nicest images in your local cache of mlp-themed art.
30 posts and 133 images omitted.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 03:18 [Preview] No.9674 del
It reminds me a bit of where flimflamfilosphy/Greg was going in the direction of his ponies before he gave up. At least the look in his Nepotism Adventures series. I have a weird relationship with Greg in that I disliked most of his artistic output didn't hate, but not my taste and I felt that MAS fans were a bit elitest and the humor and tone was FAR from my tastes. Yet ran into people around him often and is probably the only major artist/creator in this fandom I have ever interacted with. It was interesting watching him struggle with pony as Petirep moved on to other things and copyright prevented him from just using screencaps and redubing so he tried going for it on his own with no artistic experience and just forced himself forward.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 03:21 [Preview] No.9675 del
(223.14 KB 754x600 medium.png)
(67.88 KB 600x600 meowmeowsFS.jpg)
(637.71 KB 1640x2360 RDGivingYaTheLook.jpg)
More random and vaguely related images.

*note, StarInYellow is Petirep.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 00:54 [Preview] No.9693 del
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(27.35 KB 500x526 Bluffin.jpg)
(136.18 KB 800x603 Classic.jpg)
(216.40 KB 1024x1024 PokerPals.jpg)
Ponies playing poker.

Ponies look a bit ugly, I like Ember and the parasprites.

He actually has expressed the sentiment recently of some desire to return to pony. This wasn't out of nowhere, >>8842

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:01 [Preview] No.9870 del
Here is some larger gifs that I thought were cool.

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:05 [Preview] No.9871 del
Largest one didn't make it in that batch, let's see if it'll upload separately.

Bridges General Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 09:48 [Preview] No. 2992 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Bridges General /bg/. This thread is for the discussion of our beloved Dolores Umbridge and bridges in general. Feel free to comment, discus or post greens about our beloved excommie pone and her true calling.

Bridge discussion is not necessarily limited to those in the structural sense, though it is generally recommend that the object of discussion must function as a connection between to points (Space Bridge, ants forming an organic bridge, etc).

Basic information on bridges and there purpose.

Basic information on Dolores as she is canonically portrayed in the show.
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Anon 04/21/2022 (Thu) 10:16:42 [Preview] No.8222 del
A majestic PoLS related to...

...well, Dolores and majestic aren't exactly the most fitting words that anyone would come up with at first. However,there is some serious room in order to make her look like that without any issue.

By the way, after such a long time since the last reply,I would like to point out that if you see the tags category (on Derpibooru),she (52349) has just surpassed Derpy Hooves (52115) in terms of registered pictures/material related to her in general.

A silent growth that we take it as a given but one should realize about her impact whether one likes her or not.

For now,I'll let that sink in and thus, bump this thread to page 1

Anon 04/21/2022 (Thu) 10:18:06 [Preview] No.8223 del
And the other (header) picture (of /endpone/) that I forgot to post next to the one that I have recently uploaded.

Anon 04/22/2022 (Fri) 06:58:53 [Preview] No.8224 del
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(827.64 KB 904x674 22983.png)
Dolores might be silence but she has spread heavily, for better or worse.

>she (52349) has just surpassed Derpy Hooves (52115) in terms of registered pictures/material related to her in general.
That I admit, almost feels wrong, though she, techically, as a antagonist, main character for two seasons, side character of significant importance for two more does make sense. As Glimglam, she has been somepony I have always felt iffy about, but as our mascot Dolores Umbridge I can't simply dislike her.

>For now,I'll let that sink in and thus, bump this thread to page 1
Worthy bump. Worth trips.

Anon 04/22/2022 (Fri) 06:59:50 [Preview] No.8225 del
(827.64 KB 904x674 22983.png)
>endchan ate one of my files

Anon 04/22/2022 (Fri) 07:01:12 [Preview] No.8226 del
Haven't seen this in awhile. A mysterious file that doesn't want to be uploaded on endchan. This will require further experimentation...

(10.52 MB 482x360 BadHarmony_orig.webm)
(3.09 MB 1920x1080 ScootasMomHas.webm)
(2.70 MB 1280x540 SFM_WhiskOrPerf.webm)
(14.97 MB 640x360 UppityPegasi.webm)
Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 04:36 [Preview] No. 7485 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
/Webm/ animational end of Friendship.

This is to consolidate all the great animations, PMVs, animatics the fandom made that you keep going back to appreciate.
It's also to encourage some folder dumps because we're bound to not have all the same ones.

No need to be codec or carrier centric; mkvs and mp4s are fine too.
Since the End didn't like the 20MB encoding of whatever animation I've renamed to 'uppity pegasi' (what're they up to, up there?), I've recompressed it and include it here as the first of ... a fair number of files.
196 posts and 471 images omitted.

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 09:25 [Preview] No.9114 del
(282.33 KB DERPY.swf)
Well beyond my skillset, but maybe somepony here has the wherewithal to extract this to a .webm?

Anon 12/25/2023 (Mon) 02:40 [Preview] No.9131 del
OKAY! Hopefully it will go through this time.
I found an old archive, with that swif, above, and some other .swifs, and ... these.

Two in particular, the first two, I thought I had lost forever because they had such generic names, and I lost my 'live' copy a long time ago and then couldn't find the YT vid for anything.

Also attaching the trailer to upcoming movie The Maretrix, Rave-is-Princess, extended version, and a video game, Pony Craft II.

Unless the End continues to dislike attachments, in which case I attach fewer of these files, all the way down to none of them.

Anon Board owner 12/25/2023 (Mon) 10:54 [Preview] No.9135 del
(60.56 KB derpy.webm)
I'll give it a shot. Seems like I did this successfully, once or twice, a loooooong time ago though. May have to search a old linux install for some probably now depreciated tool or library.

I tried ffmpeg to just see what would happen, at least I got the audio.

>I thought I had lost forever because they had such generic names, and I lost my 'live' copy a long time ago and then couldn't find the YT vid for anything.
I found a HDD, similar boat, albeit, through in a fangame that I thought was lost for ever (or the pieces of one, the game dev never published the full thing, but stuff like a episode - demo, a bug test, and another...) I am getting ahead of myself, I'll show this in a little while.

Anon Board owner 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:00 [Preview] No.9578 del
>More on this later.
Here it is, the original video from the youtuber-of-many-names-and-phases-once-known-as-digibrony.

>Guilty as charged.
As long as you don't blindly parrot and worship them, I don't care. My thoughts on the "brony analysis" are as neutral indifference to slightly annoyed most of the time.

>Not the best thing to draw on but that description always stuck with me and I think the name fits.
I think the name is fair enough but I could've sworn they was some whole discourse around this but I cannot find it. Some of the others have left or disappeared due to drama and scandal as per normal.

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 09:40 [Preview] No.9610 del

Haven't seen this in years. Thanks.

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sexy pones Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No. 8759 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
post em

Anon Board owner 08/29/2023 (Tue) 08:49 [Preview] No.8760 del
While technically it isn't against the rules to have another NSFW thread; unspoiled NSFW is only allowed on:
and even then, anons usually err on the side of caution. A mix of an in practice more SFW culture here and a distaste from various unwanted fetishes on other boards being unspoiled freely.