Princess Svenningsen#badfox 03/31/2024 (Sun) 21:56 Id: fbeb79 No.226787 del
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>Buy vegetables from the grocery store
>Full of fruit fly eggs
>Can't even taste the flavor
>Grocery stores are jam packed with people and kids screaming up and down the isles as you shop.
>Nearly get ran over by shoppers in a hurry
>Limited selection of food
I feel like I'm going crazy here. Carrots don't taste like carrots, tumeric doesn't taste like tumeric (taste like hard tuber with a little tumeric taste), Ginger doesn't taste like tumeric, tomatoes don't taste like tomatoes, fruits were always questionable. I can take an entire bite out of a carrot/tumeric/carrot/tomato/cucumber/etc and it taste like crunchy hard thing. I've been to three different grocery stores and keeps being an issue.....
I get the demand of rushing produce to the store and spraying everything down with nitrogen so you can get a lot of growth... And I get that your palate changes with age. But, I can pop a piece of ginger in my mouth and it taste like root with a slight ginger after taste. Onions and garlic still retain their flavor. I'm more partial to growing my own stuff now just to see if my tongue has failed me, or if the grocery store is just that bland.