Kimmy Svenningsen Hime#badfox 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:39 Id: 00e94e No.226086 del
Marijuana growers are the greatest scientific minds this century.
>Bored and watching nutrient videos.
>Zoomer zooming on youtube talking about dank bud.
>Know from experience that growers have insane knowledge on growing dank bud.
>Wondering what fertilizers I can use on my cacti and borage.
>Starts talking about mycorrhizae and silica making your dank bud taste good.
>Decide to google it and stuff is pretty steep.
>Says that the marijuana with this silica and mycorrhizae constantly get top prizes in cannabis cups.
Isn't all this stuff in the soil?
Why are marijuana growers so bizarre.