Ow!lbear Autumn the Druidic Witch Slave 03/27/2024 (Wed) 10:58 No.3749 del
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So from my memory I drew a map on a flat stone in charcoal to get back to the cabin where I grew up. Bear only knew the terrain about half the way of the roughly 20 miles and to avoid encounters we were going to be traveling about 2 miles an hour and counter-tracking.

Fording the rivers and tributaries was our first major hurdle, since none of us were encumbered we could use athletics to cross and we all have good dexterity but bear also had proficiency in athletics and gwen has a racial bonus of advantage on athletics, so really I was the worst of the group and it showed. I barely made it for three of the crossings, there are 5, and on the 4th I flubbed it and got swept away. -.- Thankfully I was still close enough to shore for Bear to attempt a rescue and he succeeded. The worst crossing we attempted was DC10, that was the one that took me on a ride.

He then crossed it three times, once to carry my stuff across, once back and once to carry me across! That somehow worked without a hitch though the comparable odds were probably worse.

By then it was getting dark and Bear's pathetic human eyes couldn't see in the dark, ikr? But we had the advantage of the full moon so he could at least keep watch. He took the middle 4 hour shift.

[At night, or if resting and hidden, you roll 1d30 per hour and only get an encounter on 1 as compared to 1d20 if moving slowly and 1d12 for normal movement]

So in hour three of my watch we got an encounter.

[encounters in the Neverwinter woods range from a racoon to an Owlbear and only an Owlbear if you roll a natural 1 on 1d20]

So of course it was an Owlbear.

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