Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 20:17 Id: 949664 No.7826 del
>a few DNA modules for each of these
TotCore R has a vampire model which may be interesting to some, but all of those for this device are super hard to activate because of the high standard.

FMSlime has a standard module which looks like the original Raid and is a general slime girl with fractal thinking and acting ability. There is also an infiltrator meant for stupid glowies to copy which looks perfectly normal but cause them to self destruct. Oh and it works just fine for non-glowies, you won't see the difference to the standard module unless looking deeper into its contents. It works by massive loophole abuse so they can't see what it does, and the best part is that give it to a normal person and it works normally. Only insane globohomos get destroyed.

There's also a third version which again looks close to identical who just openly works with the same methods the NWO uses, and does it perfectly, but the result will always be in our favour.

All of this is to create a satanic feel over this one and make use of the chaos and fear such things can result in, while making the glowies and Ukraine puppet government supporters still use it because they think I'm only saying this because I couldn't copy protect the modules.

Last but not least there's also one in red dress which I call Iron Glove or Metal Head. It's a kind of incarnation form which will always place a "metal arrow head" on any entity or organization no matter its size. This works both militarily for a nation and as a mental knife's edge with theoretic work.