Sunflower 04/22/2024 (Mon) 20:20 Id: 9e95d5 No.7499 del
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It's not like I have talked about it, but it may not come as a surprise to anyone that I really love Terminator 2. Back when that movie was new, the development was still very much believable, and there was no common internet access. It remains as a memetic memory of a future that didn't happen, but the feel of the future as clean, high tech, with killer robots taking over and finally wiping out humanity, it still gives hope.

Ghost in the Shell filled in the more psychic aspects of the same narrative, with the original movie exploring the idea of mind-hacking and insertion of false memories. The Stand Alone Complex series later explained the concept of the Internet meme, before the modern Internet access existed. It was very predictive, but also too optimistic. Cybernetics is nowhere near that level in public society, and the more idea of letting someone have direct access to your brain 24/7 today sounds very naive, even with the concept of the mental barrier which allows the user to defend their personal space using psychic powers alone.

I think Bing captured the feel of "killer robot in plain sight" here pretty well.