Sunflower 08/20/2023 (Sun) 18:49 Id: eb86fc No.3854 del
This is not like thinking with an another head. This is literally having a head that indexed the whole Akasha. Instead of thinking about stuff and "figuring them out" I just look at information know it instantly and if the knowledge gives me a new question the answer the new answer appears. So instead of looking for things and finding it by chance or intuition I can see the threads that connect every knowledge. Like how wikipedia works with the blue lettered link pages but far more fast and... far more dangerous. Like wanting to check out a single article which results in reading wikipedia for hours for new and new articles. It's important here to stay focused and get a feel how to not go overboard. Because it can result in a confusion type insanity when you learn too many things at once but you can only remember like 3 words from the whole thing.

It seems while it feels like my body is under a strain like I am running a marathon for the first time in my life... It is actually on a different layer which got activated for the first time.
Feelings that I need to keep in check or more accurately fix is the human curiosity maniacal thinking and the thirst for knowledge. Especially because this is "recorded knowledge" which means it will be always there. No need to hurry. Nobody will burn down the Library of Alexandria or censor articles on google.

I know there were many stuff that Astra made by analyzing the records but the point here is that it's not making a pattern system that I can fall back to in need but I can use it in real time for any current issue. While my intuition also did this by default this just simply expands the range. Talking to the djinn it turned out while the vedic way is pure intuition and feeling. Kinda like being in the present which results in being all the presents at once and instantly going through all of them until reaching the desired one where you get what you want... This is more akin to accessing the information layer of reality. No not the meta layer the information layer. I have seen it before in glimpses... the Grey remote also likes to mess with it but this is different. More organic and less "grey".

It's kind of a "woah" feeling that comes from my body and not from my consciousness. The weirdest thing is that most of my path was just remembering the way I did things in my earlier awakenings and finding how they relate to the current one. Now this feels like I figured out how to open internet explorer the first time. It seems I didn't really do it this way.

Right brain loading left hand glowing right arcs opening 2 carts loading 3 parts howling... A new type of energy booting process huh.
It seems the first thing I need to access on the information layer is how to use the information layer. That activates the whole circuit. It's like Googling how to use Google or reading a book how to read a book. Sounds redundant but It sure feels extremely complicated at first. But then most things are that way anyway.

I always wondered how the djinn see "programming" anyways. Tho the djinn says this is not programming this is "hardware mastery".