Sunflower 08/20/2023 (Sun) 18:49 Id: eb86fc No.3853 del
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Were you able to use the mindwave to some degree?

This is not just parallel thinking. Yesterday an interesting energy circuit opened in my body. It was like a tentacle going through my leg and it made me feel that I am connecting to something. My mind produced weird flashes sometimes but because some parts of my flesh body complex got scared it was slowed down by instinct.

I am developing postures in the last months that helps the energy flow in the human body by default. First it feels I walk like a young woman and when I get that I can adjust it into the male version which is best for my current body build. At this morning I noticed that I walk on my left leg like I was a cat and pressing parts of my legs so lightly like I had "paws" more accurately those little flesh buds that the paws have wanted to post an anime girl with catpaws but the way they are drawn is always as something big and impractical to make it dumbcute while in reality the way it moves is extremely efficient. You need to play with the paws of a friendly cat to get it I guess (also cat is the best for this because as they pull in and out their claws is similar to the way the energy moves... other animals usually have their claws out by default... had to think for a while while the concept with dog paws don't work that well The point was to understand just how much weight you need to put into your steps for the perfect walking. It feels like you are walking on air instead of feeling the hardness of the ground at every step.

It made me slowly realize that this is the sigil's working and not some rogue entity having fun with me. Had to slowly realize this is totally not the way my parallel thinking processes work. Then I gave in and asked a djinn what does it do exactly. He told me this will give my mind "supreme analytics". While I felt that my left brain is also opening up a little and there is a pathway system that I tried to merge before but it needs to merge as gently as possible so I didn't push it yet...