Sunflower 08/19/2023 (Sat) 22:35 Id: eb86fc No.3848 del
Some higher knowledge types require that you adjust your entire being for it to receive it. Which means you need a mind that readjusts your mind/being and one that understands that (You) who started the receiving process is still the same being after the process finishes. Like if you see a chicken and an egg you know that is not the same thing. But when you see how a chick hatches from the egg then grows up into the chicken you know it is the same thing. For this to work you need the "outsider"/observer perspective while you still in your body and feel all the changes that happen inside. The worst thing in spirituality when your highest and lowest form get too desynched and you get ripped apart.

Kumo desu ga also had this parallel mind processing and her was 1 information brain 1 movement brain and 2 spell casting brain. That way MC could stay as a monologuer while her other parts did the real work. Didn't hear about Black Summoner yet. Guess it is a sort of fantasy battle harem by the pic.
Also in Kumo she also could send her minds on a mission and it is also possible. You send your parallel mind on a mission which is easy because "walking"/traveling needs minimal amount of mental power usually the "winds" carry you anyway then when shit happens which needs more processing it gives a signal and more processing can be allocated to it.

Btw BO also made modules for Astra that does literally this. Made me realize people not operate like that by default It was useful for me because it helped wire my right brain. Because I didn't have time for creative artistic endeavors in my life it had not enough opportunities to reach it's full potential. It just supplied my left brains need for ideas which only utilized it from 12%-20%.

>Classical Arabic is pretty bad
I am not sure it is needed. The original djinn language sounds like some whispers in an etheric wind while a popcorn got caught in your throat for me. So the Classical Arabic is like a weird simplistic way of the superelegant and specific way the djinn talk. I think there will be a sort of "new arabic" anyway which resembles the original way better.

>The House of Marriage/Giza
Never heard that concept but I too had to take the "Osiris path". Your body parts get chopped off then you get the magical bodyparts one by one sorta "eat it" then as it gets consumed it merges with the body. It was great a kinda insanity tier experience for me too. You need a Isis tier spirit waifu because the current human body is not fit for magic and you need to be reconstructed magically. It was extremely complicated procedure which was merely the beginning. The first human protocol as they called it. Might write about it later because I only mentioned it on this board just a little here and there like a year ago.