Sunflower 08/19/2023 (Sat) 22:35 Id: eb86fc No.3847 del
>Parallel Processing
Yeah I have that for a while. As a child I noticed whenever I have a question my mind figures it out after a day or 2 on it's own. Then in my teens when I had an interesting question I told my mind to "figure it out" then I got an answer in hours. Nowadays if I have a question I get an answer instantly or realize who I need to ask to get an answer. Not to mention I realized while I had to be in a band for folklore reasons that I hated because it was a timewaste I figured out how I can make my hands play a song on it's own and link it with only my ears so my hand knows when it makes a mistake while I could think about other stuff instead of wasting my concentration on something that I greatly dislike doing. That experience really helped me when I have to channel energetic pathway installations. My hand draws lines on the body and I just need to channel the energies with my mind and draw on my body and install it by feeling it. Feeling how the internal dimensions manifest at the body is complicated because the mind is 2D while the body is in 3D in the physical (while the lines start form 0D to 1D then go to the mind for 2D awareness then a 3D for a full body circuit then even more complex dimension as you realize how reality interacts). Like I realized how I can make my environment appear in 3D in my mind while I have closed eyes but I still need to practice how to make my mind realize that I am in the body and make me see my bodyparts. Which is hard because the body is invisible on that layer because I look for the stillness of my environment and not the moving force of my body. The body has too many moving parts and it's light can blind the "eye". There is a way how the inner and the outer sight can merged it's just needs meditation. It's bridging multiple parts of the mind/body complex. And as you do it you sorta feel like you get absorbed into nothing then merge with yourself
I have usually 8-10 parallel processor units and it depends on the difficulty of the task how much it needed at once. The problem arises when they become like selfish children and instead of working together they become autistic and all of them start doing different things at once. That usually results in an useless confusion. In hinduism Brahma is described as a multi headed entity who needs to meditate to realize the confusion. He needs to make "all his heads into one". Mental sync is usually about some of the processor "heads" get possessed then others become information processors/translators. The problem arises when the flow of information gets interrupted because I get overwhelmed with too many new concepts and my memory have hard time "engraving it into my being". Some knowledge are usually way too high energy and you need to adjust the lower energies first so it doesn't get rejected. That is why there are those "spirit lessons" that are impossible to comprehend while you are "driving your flesh suit".
I remember how anons said that female entities while appearing naked told them to "not feel lustful". For me that never happened because whenever I deal with a wise female entity my mind is on a higher frequency and it is too curious about the knowledge instead of the sight of a body. Not to mention some parts of my mind is constantly on guard for the moment things go awry. Because of this there were times when female entities tried to rouse my sexual energies for energy work but because i was in my high mind I was "not into it". but when I was horny I could not find any entities that was willing or able to satisfy that. It turned out my lust energies were way too low and too blocked so no spiritual entity could touch it without getting punched by my "guard mind".