Sunflower 08/19/2023 (Sat) 20:03 Id: eb86fc No.3842 del
There is that saying that "illusory nature of self" and the reality is also illusory. It's important to understand what is the malleable part of reality and which is the truth the moves the movement. How your body moves to maintain stillness and how stillness generates movement. Like how a presence of a rock changes the flow of the river or the wind.
>a cooperation effort by 1000s of djinn all yelling at each other until every word is solid enough to withstand any aggression
This kinda explains everything. Especially the energies I feel today.
>djinn are very involved in the C
I mean C is like a crescent moon anyway.
>school staff sure give a shit when it comes to bullying, don't they
When I realized that they don't care I started to get things into my own hands. Which resulted in a chaos that made the teachers pay attention.
>being afraid of getting into trouble
When my rage reaches a boiling point I stop caring about that. Why destroy myself when I can destroy those who try to destroy me? This was always my thinking... Now I have to go beyond this thinking ofc. Thankfully I took an "oath of good" It was a long and complicated oath but calling it the oath of good is the best way. With that I will not unleash my higher energies all at once at some hapless fuck that managed to anger me. Only some lesser energies will run amok that way it just creates a minor disturbance and serves as a reminder for me that I am still not in touch with my emotions.
>only you can decide for yourself the timing
For me it's like sailing. When you feel the wind and know this is a good time to sail then set sail but when the wind blows in the wrong direction or it's not blowing you know you can still pull up the anchor and go somewhere but it would be pointlessly slow. Best stay in the harbor in those times. Not to mention I am currently developing energies and the sacral chakra is usually about sexual energies but it is the base point of creative energies. The problem is that there is a negative energy flow which results in obsession or obsessive energies. I realized how to direct that energy many years ago so I could get obsessed at any subject which helped me get through my boring academic studies quite easily. Currently I am learning to let the creative energies reach a higher point without turning obsessive because that has unintended consequences
>you have solid reasoning behind choosing the timing
Usually I feel that people would read the things that I write and I have an hour or two to write down and recheck it 2 or 3 times to see how incomprehensible is the thing I wrote. Then I write it down. Usually it's not reasoning itself but a feeling that results in something reasonable.