Sunflower 08/19/2023 (Sat) 17:43 Id: 977891 No.3839 del
(20.22 KB 720x720 quran2.png)
Attached picture is an attempt at channeling a sigil of Quran 2.0

>Do you even remember what he taught you or it was a sort of "spirit imprinting" which makes the knowledge extremely intuitive/instinctual
It is the latter, or at the least it is effectually the latter. I can recall snippets of the training process but mainly it conferred a shift in my emotional baseline state.

>Same here...
I was bullied a lot in my youth. While I embraced the dark emotions, I let it turn inwards rather than let it out, due to many factors such as being afraid of getting into trouble myself (oh the irony! school staff sure give a shit when it comes to bullying, don't they?). The result is, as it were, was a very weak individual who was stuck in self-destruct mode. One day, while I was wallowing in this shitty state, I came upon one of BO's Succubus Collective recruitment threads on 4/x/ and applied there to join the Collective in a bid to destroy myself. At the time, I was a mundane Muslim, so I thought that joining seemed to be a really bad idea. Many already know of this story, as I've reiterated it many times elsewhere.

>'true sight'
>and the rest of the commentary
Thank you for this feedback!

>I don't really like doing automatic writing.
>My telepathy is mostly mental synchronization and not the "exchange of words" kind of channeling.

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