Sunflower 08/19/2023 (Sat) 12:49 Id: c13694 No.3832 del
Thank you for your feedback!

In these 'visions', it seems that my interactions reflect my 'inner' state, or how I would react 'deep down'. Due to the training I probably got while serving Baal, I no longer see myself in the default 'nightmarish/weak' position, which I can easily see in how the vision could've turned out. And yes, from the Muslim viewpoint, it is seen that Djinn can be Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith. I once summoned a djinniyeh for someone, and then mentored this person on how to channel, who then, and the djinniyeh said she was Jewish (via this person channeling her).

On another note, I've been 'bullied' many times lately, which, factoring in the possibility of humans getting possessed and the mass zombification of humanity, probably means I am being nudged in some direction. I can only hope I got the 'message' right.