Sunflower 08/17/2023 (Thu) 16:54 Id: c13694 No.3821 del
It seems that something was about to happen, a possibility, and I, out of ignorance, sidestepped it.

Now, what I am about to say may seem way out there, and I accept that. Hopefully, at least it can be of use.

I subconsciously started associating myself with the identity of the Dajjal (the Muslim version of the Antichrist) and many 'signs' started coming. They include one person assuming my name is Mohammad, and also dreaming of some sexual activity I will not get into details here. And then, the culmination: a woman clad in dark clothes and a hijab approached me and started saying things that were incomprehensible to me for quite some time. After she stopped speaking, I said 'may Allah give you' and that I don't have any money to give her. Only then did she start speaking intelligibly, asking me to please give her money. I again repeated that I have nothing to give her (which indeed was the case at the time), so she smiled at me and left.