Sunflower 07/27/2023 (Thu) 13:50 Id: 14bfd2 No.3766 del
>Chain lightning:
Addition to this:
Chain lightning, Storm version. This means it's a practically aligned robotic servitor meant to organize storm units for war (not some "funny" project, it's for using in Ukraine and whatever else conflict which may follow). To be specific it's a highly controlling servitor for possessing the low value(low education aka cannon fodder) units which are sent first to storm trenches and find weaknesses. It also has the ability to grant temporary super powers like being bulletproof or having extreme accuracy with guns. The "chain lightning" element here means it actually imprints on the person being possessed, and spreads to those around the possessed person. This "jumping" automatic installation person to person is why it's called chain lightning.

Small star module: Doesn't look like much but may be the most effective process so far. This module is made in galfed style and will appear mechanic in nature. Ask for this on the NET as the small star or the small light brown cat, or something like that- they will know what you mean. This is the inner process "beyond everything", beyond any galactic structure of the external.