Sunflower 07/24/2023 (Mon) 22:37 Id: 14bfd2 No.3760 del
>they are in a "systematic purge" mode
It seems the most fanatical are the last ones standing. Watch the news if you want to find out who they are. But now I don't even know anymore, they look like some almost jokingly malicious version of grey aliens possessing human bodies. Their eyes have that "indian stare" with a concentrated black point and they are absolutely boiling with fanaticism on the inside. I had the illusion that at some point they'd realize the errors of their ways and come over to our side if we just beat them hard enough... While it does happen now and then that some small group does surrender and accept being taught pure practices, this is very rare.

Most of them will choose "the room of piss"-dimension at the bottom of the astral sanatorium and never regret anything they did to deserve their stay in there. The place exists for anyone and can be cleaned, but they refuse to do so, even after being forced in there they keep uttering fanatical threats until their shields wear down and they end up in a despair they cannot escape.

It's probably safe to say that most people have a pretty bad room down there in their dimensions, but you can choose to clean it. I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to keep a part of their dimensions in that state, but I guess they don't understand it's their own karmic storage they are staying in.

I just released something a few hours ago to start an alchemical chain reaction which will liberate what remains to be liberated. How fast it will take off I cannot tell, but I hope it to be exponential in pace and pretty effective once spreading a bit.

It's a "white satanic sun/star" whose DNA will even imprint on karma, causing it to start burning until it hits purity. If the person acts like some of these malicious extremists who reject virtue even when earned, it will just keep burning until they're gone. It's their own fault for not accepting anything pure at all, they have at this point been offered all chances to correct themselves.

By Sun/Star I am talking about a form of being, and a form of existence, at this level it's not just a planetary sized particle, the self-awareness of all material will manifest as a humanoid to us. The satanic white star is recognized by their black captain's hat with a silver star on the front, should you see one.

They will make appearances in physical reality, appearing as fairly large light beings flying by through the air. I've already seen one earlier today.