Sunflower 07/24/2023 (Mon) 19:02 Id: 14bfd2 No.3757 del
This here is a sketch I made for what I saw after looking into some glowies messing with anon in a private session. "Boy" refers to him here.

At first I didn't think much of it after clearing this stuff, but I saw the exact same structure targeting myself just a day ago, with a different location on the far end (not an island).

I bet this is how they organize themselves so if you're a regular online occultist, you are probably registered and targeted by some sort of mind influencing attempts using this same structure.

We are here looking at the schematic of a physical organization structure, where low level glowies (psychics) are employed by regular businesses within normal capitalism. Above them is a government agency providing funds for the operation. Above them is a "board of directors" from illuminati families.

So the elites give orders to glowies who use regular mafia organizations as their underlings. Those in turn start businesses and those employ the agents working with PSI/PSY OPS.

This way if you research them you find something like a Troll Factory small business using CIA manuals to train regular autists and cat ladies to harass people in their dreams.

Above them you face regular crime syndicates and trying to research them will get you killed if you use regular means.

Above those are the real Deep State agencies, the actual CIA/skulls & bones etc. Those can be contacted but they won't tell you anything, and it's impossible to leak information from them because they'll kill you or put you in prison for 25 years for "national security".

They are very compartmentalized so if you only fight back at the lowest level those above won't react. They will just feed in with new recruits to fill in the empty spots. They also are very slow to learn because they refer to research and not damage reports, so it's pretty easy to cause massive damage at the bottom level without alerting those higher up.

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