Sunflower 07/11/2023 (Tue) 16:34 Id: a3522b No.3732 del
I'm going to give you a boring reply:

American glowies are notoriously bad at telepathy because of the training programs they use, so they can't do auto-translating or adapting (algorithmic) messages. They tend to communicate by sending individual letters or words in the form of "stamps" that appear in your vision for 2 seconds and then is replaced with the next. If you missed part of the message it won't repeat so it's a very instable form of telepathy.

>a set of three glyphs in succession
>latin letters
>first one had a curvature on the left side but not I'm sure
They have zero imagination and few people with skill. I think what you saw was a botched attempt at writing
>U S A

They sent a similar but more advanced image to me earlier with a North American Native and some anime-style blond guy and what I suppose was meant to say "USA" but it was badly written so it looked like JIA or something.

Yes, they do this stuff.