Sunflower 07/11/2023 (Tue) 13:26 Id: 1cf98a No.3731 del
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Yesterday at night I was laying on my bed chilling when I saw very clearly a set of three glyphs in succession, the next in the very same place as the last one, I made the mistake of not immediately writing them down. Today when I woke I went to do just that but I found out that now I couldn't remember them that clearly anymore, however I do know there three of them, they kind of looked like latin letters and all three had a set of short if not vertical almost vertical parallel lines, I'm pretty confident all of them where at the top of the glyphs but not entirely sure and I think the first one had a curvature on the left side but not I'm sure. Does that sound like something they've seen before to anyone here? Maybe an alphabet of glyphs could help, I think if I saw them again I could recognize them