Sunflower 07/10/2023 (Mon) 14:48 Id: a3522b No.3729 del
Illuminati takeover machine

If they can do this, so can we. Let's take over the "illuminati" with one simple trick (child murdering adrenachrome users hate it!).

This sigil links to an installer for a "form", it can be used as a servitor, personal avatar or worn as a body. It is a small fairy/witch wearing a black dress and sandals.

The module is in the form of a pendant (shown) with a necklace string. Wear it to activate if you receive the pendant. It can be activated in multiple ways, it is also possible to just merge with the witch-form at once and create the pendant later (or not at all).

The witch has access to a collective form, an egregoral temple space. The temple exists in multiple planes, general form is a large hall with green or black curtains and a landscape with mountains outside.

From within here, all decisions concerning the future Earth's surface operation will be discussed and manifested. This is a way of applying direct democracy, anyone with a relation to the Earth can enter.

This space and the avatar have been created to be a general form which can be used by all beings who have been incarnated on Earth, including all the evil scum who were at one point here and caused massive harm. This is because (as the federation has shown) even the smallest awareness will at one point circulate all the way back again. Even those who were damned to eternal gehenna and turned into "materials" such as metallic ore or fuel used in federation ships. At some point after an eternity has passed, every single particle of these beings will have been beaten into shape through spiritual alchemy and can realise what they have done and they will behave. (That is, according to the federation, why communism is the end state of all existence, all souls will come to realize that the federation is right even if it takes a billion years.)

This witch form will also allow them to take part again. With this, the standard of benevolence for all beings has been achieved.