Sunflower 07/01/2023 (Sat) 22:14 Id: eb86fc No.3697 del
>thing about hidden objects
Yes you shared it and I know of it. Their (((laboratory))) was a somewhat "hidden dimension". They used it and some stem cell "wonder meat" or what was the name of that abomination of the not animal meat. They used the same science +cloning tech to make babies in somewhat artificial wombs. The point was they could incarnate a lesser force of nature spirit and a minor evil spirit into a "Motherless baby" with some abominable curse and because those babies will hate and love their sight of each other they will energetically abuse each other which will make their essence mix and after that they consume that now "new essence". It probably gives them some magical power or I have no idea what other shit they use this for. Not even sure if I want to know. My guides were teaching me in the dream how i can access the information in those servitors without letting them "see me". It was like how you can talk to NPCs in oblivion while you have 100% chameleon. Touching them prompted up the "chat dialogue" so I knew what questions they can answer. That laboratory was abandoned btw. Their masters gone. And now that dimension is released into the "great filter". No force held it in place anymore so it could be disassembled.

>Catholic Weeb Witch
She reminds me of Nobeta. Her origin story is literally that. A doll that was turned into the "Church Witch" with puppet magic and they just inserted her memories into the puppet so she can cast magic on command. But she became self aware and was commanded to find herself [Embed]

My current goal is unfucking the worldlines here. I was promised that things will be handled and I can focus on my path and only need take part of these events if my path can "take it". They told me if I let the current cancer "spread" it will have no choice but cannibalize itself in the process and when it happens and highlights every part of the "body"(or planet) it infected then it can be removed fully. If it is stopped too soon the hidden parts will reemerge and the rot will not stop just the symptoms will go away for a while. The great game is complicated and I need to recover my truth first to be truly useful.