Sunflower 07/01/2023 (Sat) 13:21 Id: 5ec0d1 No.3683 del
I think this all stems from ancient days before the humanoid form had been fully developed as we know it. They look humanoid, but were probably lacking the sensory organs we have in the physical, causing all sensory experiences to be "grand and mystical".

You have to place yourself in this regressed state of mind to see what I'm trying to say. At that point, spiritual beings would discover how to have physical experiences, and some of those would be positive and some negative. As they only knew part of it, they would directly think that "pain" must be avoided at any cost, and they would have no understanding of "cause and effect" so they would come up with these chemical reactions to remove pain, when trying to create a physical form for the purpose of sensory experiences. The body itself has all these methods built-in that cause positive sensations, such as endorphins.

I believe the creation of "moloch suns" or even the Moloch egregore type society itself, was the result of just trying to create positive sensory experiences when no body exists.

Today we have the full picture and know that certain substances that create positive feelings are addictive and that some cause karmic substances which are directly linked to your soul, things that must be avoided as they will inevitably lead to pain later. For those who are unaware of this delayed effect of karma, they will think the practice of burning it, causing a temporary pain, is "mere stupidity" and must be avoided. When on the spiritual plane, one can move into dimensions with millions of years available, and avoid the pain. It can seem like this is something you can do endlessly.

But as the material world develops, we in here know that you cannot escape. Those millions of years in the microcosm, turn into mere fractions here in the physical.

Compare with the story of Akilles and the Tortoise racing:

The tortoise gets a head start and Akilles is about to catch up. But then the tortoise has already moved little bit further, so Akilles doesn't catch up. He keeps moving forward but when he reaches the spot where the tortoise was, he again can't catch up because the tortoise has again moved a little tiny bit forward while Akilles ran. So he keeps running and again when he reaches the spot where the tortoise was, the tortoise has moved.

This way it seems Akilles, the fastest runner in the world, can't outrun a turtle. But in reality when applying modern maths, he passed the turtle at say

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