Sunflower 07/01/2023 (Sat) 10:41 Id: 5ec0d1 No.3679 del
I looked at it. Astra called the front crystal "molochian technology" and said it will cause "nasty illnesses" if the device is used in its current state. The top crystal is fine.

Looking deeper there is a super nova of the molochian type associated with this group of beings. This was the case when you shared the rod also, but I didn't want to start talking about this because I didn't know what was going on here.

I've seen this before, some ancient beings created these because at the time no one had knowledge of how to create suns, this was just a star back then. Today after the development of stars that burn karma for real, no one creates those anymore. If someone does that, they're referred to as "artificial" or "moloch suns". This is an issue because they can't fully burn karma, they just compress it and store it.

I've shared technology for how to handle this with them, at first they weren't interested and some became hostile. Going by what I experienced last time I didn't listen to this because this is just a reflex reaction for some beings. They accepted after I had an argument with them.

To be more clear on what the issue is, the 3rd eye crystal would link you to karmic dimensions only if used in its current state. I created a suggestion for how to fix this and gave it to them.

There was a "table" near you which seemed to belong to you, so I placed my version of the helmet there for you.

>civilization in question
This is likely to be the same civilization which had that sun I saw on the astral. I'm beginning to understand this more now. To them it's just how things were, but if you do that today, it's "interference" because that technology is obsolete and harmful. If the energy source is updated with a regular sun or star it can work, this all hinges on if they can do that (if they can accept this change).

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