Sunflower 07/01/2023 (Sat) 06:25 Id: 331fdd No.3677 del
(21.97 KB 1152x648 Astral Ampifier.png)
My Mentor spirit wanted me to share this new invention she worked on since she wants people to test drive it before sharing it with the temple.

It's a headwear you can put on that should make it easier for newer people to astral project and travel by mixing the arcane knowledge of her people with the technology of a old civilization she has been studying. The two crystals are placed so they rest above ones third eye and crown chakra which should allow those who are new to practicing magic to make up for their lack of experience and their chakras being weak to allow them to project and travel with greater ease. After the karmic wand I made and she forgot to teach me about balancing a item power since her race is so ancient she did not consider limiting items strength she added the horns as a control network so focus the helms energy output during use.