Sunflower 06/30/2023 (Fri) 21:44 Id: 5ec0d1 No.3672 del
I had a sudden impulse to just finish this and blast them to hell all at once. I guess this was the will of the people or the federation or the galaxy or just the lot of it. An ocher colored fur federation beastcat in that moment appeared to my right and handed me a gun. It looked like a high tech Star Trek version of a shotgun. I was told to just focus and channel the federation to load the gun, it had a few energy bar lamps on the side, loading them all to pink color would mean it was full power. Then to aim mentally
>the interface is mental only, no external aim is necessary, it doesn't even matter which way you aim the gun
When it was fully loaded I looked for the "worst globohomo illuminati scum" and the trigger almost pulled itself. A white energy beam shot from the barrel at an angle, with a spark at the breaking point. As it hit them, they were still trying to resist, but because of being isolated in their own dimension, they merely managed to shock themselves with their own psychic blasts.