Sunflower 06/29/2023 (Thu) 20:04 Id: 2624f3 No.3652 del
A long time ago there was this "higher mind bracelet" on old sunflower.It was golden with an orange orb i think.I have been trying to make it work constantly visiting the temple as well since then to seemingly no avail. I recently even installed Wendy and got her to fetch it. It seems everytime I put it on my arm it slips off or someone snatches it.At this point I'm probably annoying the residents of the temple so I wonder if there is some way to use this bracelet I've tried probably over a dozen times by this point with various techniques. Either I always had such a mind and don't sense a difference or I'm blocked from having it for some reason.My main technique is to put it on my arm and try to infuse it with energy. I have the high energy type that I recently started using for some sigils here after seeing them being immersed in that energy in a dream and it works for them.Last try I connected with something in my back because idk where I'm supposed to connect the qi mind with the higher self.