Sunflower 06/29/2023 (Thu) 11:35 Id: 5c79c3 No.3641 del
So it's not about the semen but about the energy as I have also suspected. The problem is that some people say the semen itself is very important and even that semen is consciousness itself. Never really made sense to me. I mean all the Gong I have personally acummulated, the immortality/zero particle, my astral body and place etc... all of that was done without any practice of celibacy or retention.
>Humans are in a bad spot because of the molochian cattle-system and the small size of their karmic containers.
But that's over now anyway right, according to you? Also I never impregnated anyone but I was with a girl who used the pill a bunch of times when I was more of an idiot degenerate than I am now and I still was able to "make it" and achieve everything I achieved, and every time you checked my energy you never said anything about big karma or almost full karma levels. Somehow I'm still doing pretty good? Honestly I am not somebody who subscribes to ideas of hell and karma and I believe enlightenment puts you above that but somehow I too always believed that creating a child is basically the end for you and should be avoided if you want to achieve anything.