Sunflower 06/29/2023 (Thu) 09:06 Id: 5c79c3 No.3638 del
>It's more about the effect of it than the experience.
Makes sense.
>I do get the visuals of a spa facility though.
I think because I have never really seen a Spa facility so far my mind perceives it in any way it can that is as close as possible.
By the way, what is your oppinion on semen retention or celibacy? Should I be doing it? Is semen really that divine and important that you should never ever even waste one drop, and never orgasm as some claim? Semen retention is often mentioned in connection with yogic breathing exercises and brahmacharya, but honestly I never really understood how semen would be so important apart from physical health. They say you get "ojas" when you retain and I don't really know if ojas is more like normal energy or more like gong.
True, you get more energy and health when you are celibate but is it necessary at all for real spiritual progress, as some yogis and gnostics claim? There are of course also others who basically say that it's only a stupid meme and hasn't anything to do with real enlightnement and immortality, as long as you don't overdo it and are not controlled by lust to the point it becomes detrimental to your path. It's confusing.