Sunflower 06/26/2023 (Mon) 19:17 Id: 58f452 No.3602 del
Are we done?

I think we may be.

Astral glowies and whoever tried one last time to "get back at me" for not letting them steal my stuff, so I decided to play a game with them and shift dimensions so that they would be completely unable to reach me or anyone I care about, causing them to attack themselves if they tried. I told them, for the sake of fairness: "There is nothing on that side where you are standing, the existence is gone, you destroyed it. You chose to not enter the new existence, so now you have to pay back everything at once before you disintegrate." They again tried to defy me, but the astral form I had created in shifting dimensions then produced a cleaver. I used it to split their remaining form, after which they were forced to, one by one, produce gems and gold coins out of their collapsing beings, and put them in a safe box I put up for this purpose.

They are now gone.