Sunflower 06/25/2023 (Sun) 22:12 Id: 58f452 No.3598 del
Yeah, I don't know what you are talking about most of the time when you get into your personal workings.

I just know there are still some astral glowies and some trolls that are left as target dummies by the yokais for our improvement. Some of them are super evil and hostile to the point of being ridiculous. They're the kind who will try to kill you to steal your stuff, then when you kill some of them in retaliation they get super mad and feel that they were "unjustly attacked". So they gather up and attack again, and because I apply the principle of "attack me and you get punished and I will force you to pay reparations", I will keep adding how much they owe and I will attack them with double force for every time they refuse to pay. They always have to pay in the end but they seem mostly unable to learn from experience. They see that I always get compensation when others do this, yet they believe they, just them, personally can get away with it and won't have to pay back. It's so ridiculous.

Right now they're super mad about the Wagner leader and think they can "get him back" if they attack me. Keep hitting a rock with your bare hand thinking it will give you milk, there is none to get here. I will get tired of it though so if they keep this up I will capture them and hand them over the some hell dimension. There is the occasional one who can be converted, so it would be wrong to just wipe them out as a group all at once.