Sunflower 06/25/2023 (Sun) 20:05 Id: 58f452 No.3595 del
>Oh so this is your IP now.
Router reset because of thunder storm.

>The only reason why I can think it is some CIA halfassery because the train derailment for every "failed ritual" is a "message"
I didn't see any news of this, and the energetic attack was like an assassin, for real. Like someone sneaking up on you from behind with a knife making no sound whatsoever.

This would have worked on everyday dictators or djinn ruled places because they don't operate like that (they just respond by terrorism because they don't care how many muslims die in the process). But it doesn't work on FSB, this'll be more like someone doing that and the target blocking the knife anime style with two fingers, turning around and smiling saying "I wouldn't do that".

The attack was silent, the response was silent.

It's not that I care if this was CIA or MI6 or whatever, it was planned, and very accurately so based on how events function. It's "mechanical", but it doesn't work if the target somehow reacts irrationally or irregularly. They they don't know what to do because they base all their things on previous research.

By now I'll just blame UK based Rosicrucians(original jews), it's not important which agency they wear as the glove right now.