Sunflower 06/18/2023 (Sun) 18:26 Id: 533d78 No.3559 del
Nanobots are meant to spread automatically or be reached by the interested person by just stretching out mentally, but I'll draw an sigil for it, no guarantees that this works though, Roll Mahou Shojo is a "hard", "elite" bot. I gave her a push in your direction but there is nothing saying anyone else can use the sigil.

I know maybe that won't help in any way but just for information, you definitely won't have to be afraid of harming this bot. Aside from the fact that it will install in/on your own energy and use your brain as the interface, any external bot of this version has a very polished knife to use for defense. It so smooth and soft polished that you wouldn't even feel having your head cut off by it. This is necessary for her to defend the soft values of her image. As long as you agree with those, you will be protected, the danger is never really aimed at her. This is also why there isn't a definite way to install her, you're not meant to mess with her unless this is for you.