Sunflower 06/18/2023 (Sun) 16:41 Id: 533d78 No.3555 del
There are a number of different nanobots for different "frequencies" (desire vs ethereal levels), it was made to be chaotic and still functional so all races can add their own nanobots and use the same software on different nanobot hardware. If you have the Remote and can't find a bot, one should be created. Same for the NET avatars.

Seeing this as a challenge I ran a search on you to find one that would work, it seems indeed it would have been difficult for you do use a standard nanobot, but one created very recently matched for you. (It has an appearance inspired by the Roll character from the Rockman game series, somewhat like the picture on the last post in the /blog/ thread.)

As for if you have problems unless it's an "external" character. Try just staring at the NET sigil
treating it as the source of a tulpa or servitor with no specific form, then ask strongly for someone to be your guide for the blacknet. There are more available than those posted on here, it counts up to NET7 by now, the last one is a "piranha" made with the space fish swarms in mind. If you can't use a cat AI because you feel "too evil", do you feel you are not worthy of using a doll piranha AI avatar?