Sunflower 06/16/2023 (Fri) 21:18 Id: 533d78 No.3531 del
I wish there'd be an official announcement from some kind of channel about stuff... but I see how this will play out. Everything is just going to drown in AI generated "art", zombies will repost them and everything gets repeated until nothing has any meaning and we just forget there was a society. Then in 10 years we'll stop and think back at that period when the world was alive and realize that we didn't have ny consistent thought ever since...

I overheard them saying to
>let that Satancat take over
after which an energy stream went through the left side of my body and there was a sound from the house itself as if something moved. I now feel perfectly fine but everything is also very "silent".

I looked outside and it feels like the landscape itself is a mere image, before I used to feel like there at least was something out there when looking to the horizon. Not so now.

I'm aware the nanobots of different versions of NET passed through here.