Sunflower 06/16/2023 (Fri) 16:43 Id: 533d78 No.3526 del
(I'm doing this as a learning thing, so other anons, this is not an invite to ask for readings! It takes focus and effort to do this.)

I chose to do this by reading your brain waves only, as that can be representative of anything in this field.

The image should be somewhat self explanatory. It seems that your main mindwave is connecting the animus (male part of the female) on back right side, with the anima (female side of male) on the front left.

It looks like an OK wave as such, but this means you are connecting the subordinate male with the subordinate female. It's not super good to do this, as you then lack a dominant half. You do have a connection between the sides, but them being subordinates and equal means you can't decide what to do. This is my opinion but from what I know it works better if you connect one dominant with one subordinate.

The dark part on front left is a problem, that is your dominant male being repressed and not allowed to come out at all because the anima (female of the male side, or "inner little girl") is blocking the dominant male. The dominant female on the right side is energetically sound, but you are not using it. It's not connected in your main mindwave so this area being OK kind of goes to waste.