Sunflower 06/16/2023 (Fri) 14:31 Id: 533d78 No.3524 del
>It was a event where I was wanting to come out and transition but because of fear from family when I did I backed out of it and something I've regretted since than.
If we are talking about physically changing your body using drugs and operations, it was better that you didn't. This specific issue is caused by major events in humanity's development and not something that can be "fixed" that way.

I know this is controversial and "way out there", but I'll just say what I've learned and seen from interactions with astral beings, ancient spirits (and the Queen, Sepheranz/Illivryn). Humans are genetically engineered since ancient times, changed into these "hairless apes" we currently have, and it's all very wrong. The story of how twin flames were created is that someone's soul was split into male and female, and that you have to find your other half. Not only is this real, but

the human body itself was split in male and female, it originally was a unified form, female in appearance but with both genders' functionality.

It's not at all strange for humans to not feel at home in this divided body system. We cannot change the body's form as it is now, but we can balance the inner energy streams, the functionality of the brain and the organs so that the feeling of discomfort goes away.

If you're still having issues with this kind of thing, I'm prepared to help you get started with working on this, at least I can take a look at your astral /energy body and see what issues there are.

Not everyone feels this so strongly, or society would have collapsed, but many turn neurotic over it and can't let it go, either way it can be brought back to a more balanced place.

It's even possible to, as an adult, change your bone structure significantly, despite what science previously have believed.