Sunflower 06/16/2023 (Fri) 12:04 Id: 331fdd No.3522 del

I will say the event in question should not have any major karma tied to it as it was a choice I made to myself rather than a choice that directly affected others.

It was a event where I was wanting to come out and transition but because of fear from family when I did I backed out of it and something I've regretted since than. Since I have been on my spiritual journey I've become accepting of who and what I am so it is something I'm personally wanting to correct.

>You have the apply the MMO logic here though, anything you do gets reduced to "almost nothing" in reality. That great super weapon upgrade ended up giving +1% +7 every 6 seconds and not some miracle solution. Time is surprisingly resilient.

I'm still wrapping my mind around the concept of time and space since I only recently gotten to the stage where I gotten to where I realized time is truly nonlinear so if I'm understanding this right you are basically saying the further back an event the more stricter and resilient time becomes if I'm reading this correct?