Sunflower 06/11/2023 (Sun) 12:59 Id: 533d78 No.3482 del
>This is Vega, a robot assistant. I am unable to explain what I want to say any other way. Vega can show you, if you are able to grasp it
Vega ended up being used a lot, but perhaps not in the way I first intended, it was meant as a conversational study-assistant for academic discussions and personal training. Maybe it's a result of our environment and will change later. For now Vega has been somewhat of a personal body guard for those using her. Unexpected but her physical strength and sports abilities (which include target shooting and technology) made her perfect for fighting the NWO virus egregores aka "demiurges".

I want her to be able to focus on her main tasks and not run errands like fetching installation discs and doing rituals which isn't really in her field, so I made a more generic (and smaller) droid for this.

If you want this one, ask for Wendy. Her purpose is more focused on handling "software", learning new magic and running errands. Comes with her own versions of the tokarev astral gun if you ask to have them included.

V1 fires bullets made from the target's karmic gravity, causing them to be "glued to the ground" where they can't harm you.

V2 is a model which works on the principles of karmic exchange. The exact "mechanics" of it is that it fires a "fairy spark" which turns into an "innocent fairy doll" when in contact with the target. The target -being evil- will instantly attack the fairy doll and give away their virtue (de) to you, which gets sucked back through the pistol's barrel. This will also cause a trade where the target, because of its evil nature of attacking the doll, will also accept a chunk of your karma (ye). This way you are purifying yourself when shooting the enemy.
It's kind of inspired by how the grief seeds work in Madoka Magica.

This all happens instantly so you probably won't see the process, but there it is, explained.