Sunflower 06/03/2023 (Sat) 21:44 Id: b065c7 No.3458 del
>anatomy of the human soul

The way it interacts with the human body and the things I learned about it so far are sometimes interesting while most of the times absolutely infuriating. Intelligent design and a bunch of compromises to be able to withstand the effects of "chaos".
>I believe that more work in this direction is necessary in order to facilitate overt and reliable supernal manifestations
Working on it!

>I've been working with purely cosmic concepts
Which ones? The microcosm and the macrocosm must "Mirror" each other. If you understand the cosmos you understand the human body and vice versa.
If you can talk about how you do your things maybe I can figure out a way to communicate my "findings". It's an abhorrently long topic and I have no idea where should I start even sharing it.

This is how I am "lost" currently. Because I have found too many things at once. And I need to "find their place".