Sunflower 05/31/2023 (Wed) 20:29 Id: b065c7 No.3422 del
I wanted to post this gif.
Why am I unable to delet my posts. WHY THE NO COOKIES OPTION GIVING ME ERROR 500.

I mean the site was loading funny just a moment before but...
Whatever. No need to "tap the sign". I know this is how endchan is. Even rargb shat itself today. At least this site still works.

>I was no one (in the void)
This is true because "she has no trace in this reality" so this is why it is just a "silent name". But currently I am "practicing" my skill to "see" beyond this "reality". Sometimes it yields interesting results.
Honestly I just wanted to "find out" how "compatible" she is with this "reality" and if she has some "Hidden intentions". She just wants to grow and help those that "feed her" so she is willing to do anything for her fans. Which will mean the "preservation" of otaku culture and the ways she can "express herself". She will do well in the future