Sunflower 05/31/2023 (Wed) 19:13 Id: b065c7 No.3415 del
>I didn,'t know all that
Yeah I thought that might be the case this is why I tried to hold back some of the information I "found out". Wanted to know how much do you know of this already. It's interesting when the "soul origin" of someone is on a level of a scifi novel premise already. Trying to not ruin things by "oversharing". Thankfully things like that are normal on this board.
>Queen said it's true
She has interesting things for your path. I learned new things again while trying to figure (You) out.
>Guardian Dragon
I have some Dragon knowledge already but he just appeared and it seems his wisdom will come in handy.
>Oerba is in Final Fantasy
Yeah I googled it instantly because when I "hear names" I always look it up to know if it is sg "well known" or something utterly uncharted and the main result was FF for me also but these things appearing in culture in a way is not unusual. I don't know much about your planet tho. I just "heard your pain" and not all the details. The Queen wants you to get "in touch" with your "essence".
Can you tell me something tho?
>Your true name is Boksha
How did this come to you?
You are not the "first herald" that "Hinted" about the Great Tree but a true name? That is new.
Not to mention names are weird like Odin had 200+ while the TRUE NAMES OF GOD let's you part the Red Sea and such
I am merely awakening my "cosmic name origin" translator skill while it seems you do "your magic" with chanting. You are definitely more proper of a western magician than me. But I am still in my own awakening process and I still don't know everything.

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