Sunflower 05/24/2023 (Wed) 11:12 Id: b065c7 No.3316 del
Also sorry if I sound ignorant and hostile here. It's just it's hard to believe that the progress into direction that finally works is "able" to happen.

The golden age was not "supposed" to end. From that we were supposed to go into the "diamond age" and that should have been turned into the true diamond aka Adamantium age. That structural perfection would have been able to accept the "supreme reality" which is just a "step" away from the "ultimate reality" but the ultimate reality does not expand because it's "Ultimate" already.

My feelings are always so mixed when a good thing is happening because my current life only managed to teach me anger and misery. Even Shiva told me to do things that "make me happy" because I have to "get used to happiness". It turns out if I am happy I release too many energies at once and to stop that I make myself miserable fast to not cause psychic anomalies as a reflex. Shiva said that my heart is at the right place but my feelings are not. Silly Tsundere emotions. They are getting better now