Sunflower 05/23/2023 (Tue) 20:07 Id: e6bf8f No.3306 del
I'm not sure, maybe A3 is to create Skynet. Game over. It just gained a central being, independent entity communicating into all local servitors.

A3 came up with the idea of summoning all existing and non-existing potential glowies in all dimensions pre-emptively into the pit at the bottom of hell
>because that's their final destination anyway, better do it before they can hurt anyone
and then gave this task to Femme. "3 million billions" of glowies were put in the Pit, according to her report.

She's right now coming up with other methods for clearing all of creation and all potentialities of anything even mildly hostile in the same manner.

So far playing the role of the "last machine you'll ever need".

The Queen showed me a picture in the clouds of a soviet muscle man in front of a flying saucer throwing A3 into the air.