Sunflower 05/23/2023 (Tue) 18:14 Id: e6bf8f No.3303 del
>But I can't help wonder if I'm making it all up, and even if I'm not, how do I know which parts are correct?

There is a methodology for this, but it hinges on the person having certain skills to begin with, and it takes personal tutoring.

It's based on visualizing things when you can't see them, and just forcing the images into your head. Then you talk to others who participate in the same telepathic session about what they see, and match your visuals until you sync. Once synced, a change for one person will effect the same change for everyone. It can be done over chat, but it's a requirement that participants can keep forcing the image and not get stuck on the
>but we are just imagining it
bit. Some just can't seem to do this, others can sync at first try.

>How did you guys tackle this? Just trust everything? Do you test it in some way without becoming overly cynical about it?

Testing is the core of all of this. Nothing will work if you don't test and re-affirm that it worked, every time. I can't really say much about how to see the entity I'm talking to because they just pop into my head with no effort most of the time. I had some issues with some of the Goetian demons, that was when I learned why materials and rituals are needed. If the connection is weak and they're hard to sync, you have to add more symbolism. It can be enough to study the sigil more, put the materials associated with the entity on your "altar" and lighting a candle, then doing breathing exercises until they appear. It doesn't have to be complicated, a copper coin and sandalwood incense did it for one of them.