Sunflower 05/14/2023 (Sun) 17:16 Id: b065c7 No.3236 del
>eyes open and rolled up as if they are looking at their third eye
The third eye can be accessed and energized many ways. "Energy goes where attention goes" as they say. But your attention is usually where you are actually "looking". By default you look with your eyes and where you look goes the energy. We need 2 eyes to have "spatial vision". Now the third eye is at the start is the "Mind's eye". To access it there are many circuits in the body but 1 of the important pathways is through the spine then the eyes and the eyes will "become one" at the 3rd eye. It looks like 2 eyes touching and becoming one. Now that is the 2D the "mental plane". BO usually mentions that with his drawings here and there. Now the problems come after that. How to "increase the dimensions". For that you need to figure out what energy comes from where and where it goes how it mixes and comes apart. An awfully complicated thing that many tradition tried to express many ways but it's impossible to convey fully. That is why every tradition is trying to teach a "safe" technique that opens your inner vision somehow. The point I am trying to make that it's not where your eyes look but where the energy with that moves. (when you daydream you usually have blank eyes that look into the distance while your mind is at a completely different place what your eyes do when you REM sleep is even weirder)
I can't say specifics because it varies for everyone. When my guides tell me to "raise my arm" I have to feel to which "arm" they mean. Because sometimes they mean some "etheric hand" which is not "exactly" on the "Physical" but when I raise it a muscle in my shoulders tense and relax. After this they told me to "grab my neck". They didn't mean to grab it with my hands but with the new muscle movement I just learned with the previous exercise.
The reason why the guru closes his eyes because he needs to focus on his energies to do it properly. If you are alone in the room the room is usually full with your own energies but when you record it with an audience there is a bunch of energy around you that you need to "push away" so they don't disturb your practice. I am saying this because the correct mindwave and the correct energy makes the correct movement. There are moves that I thought are impossible for me but with the perfect energy it's natural. Doing with the wrong energies made me almost brake my ankle.
>tongue rolled out is an imitation of Kali
Now the tongue is almost weirder than the 3rd eye. The tongue "works" a little differently than the other "main muscles" we have. It's obviously connected to "taste" but the weird thing that "lust" is also a sort of "taste mechanic". The penis and the vagina also can "taste" also makes fluids and it really hates when you pour spices on them.
There was a technique that I had to do where sticking out my tongue was the beginning. I didn't exactly just stick it out. The point was to "vomit out my internal organs". Not actual vomit because vomit only gets you the contents of the stomach. All my internal organs. It was like trying to expel the devil itself. It sorta did that. Expelling a lot of negative energy but the point was to "connect my internal organ energy pathways". I was glad I am finally able to meditate in solitude because I sure as hell made weird sounds in the process. These breathing techniques are all about flexing tensing and letting lose the "internal organs" because they are hard to "tone" consciously. They have a different "autonomous wavelength".