Sunflower 05/12/2023 (Fri) 16:39 Id: e6bf8f No.3229 del
>You recommended the Simha Kriya breathing exercise released by Sadhguru a while back because it's good to raise ones Gong and it takes only a couple of minutes to do. But after practicing it for a while a bunch of questions came up which I hope you can help me clear up.
>1. I found that some people do this exercise with the eyes open and rolled up as if they are looking at their third eye while Sadhguru just did it with the eyes closed. How should you do it? Some website claimed that the tongue rolled out is an imitation of Kali who is supposed to be the goddess of energy and power, so that would make sense but I'm unsure about the eyes.

There are different ways to do this stance overall, the Pradipika in general recommends chin pressed down against the chest to restrict breathing, which is a good practice overall. I've been working on the heart aside from the lungs and found it possible to control the heartbeat, one way to get there is to restrict the breathing (I think running for cardio is the wrong way to go, if your heart beating faster is good you may as well drink coffee and energy drinks as exercise? No I think the point is as with overloading other muscles, you can keep going with lower weights as you get tired, so if you restrict your oxygen intake it should have the same effect as running.) and that is done with head down. Head up creates a different mentality entirely. As for where you aim your eyes, I started off looking up as in Sadhguru's other kriyas, but I tend to close my eyes lately because I feel it's too ethereal for me to look up.

>2. As I remember you said to do it only once a day but Sadhguru recommends it 2-3 times a day as long as there is a 4 hour break between the sessions. I did it only once per day so far as you said but I tought about doing it at least two times, once after waking up and once in the afternoon. How often exactly can you do it?

In the video he released at first he said 3 times per week at most, but I did once daily. So what I said was in that context. If he now says 4 h break, then go by that.

>3. After you did the 21 breaths with your tongue out and 21 breaths with your tongue rolled back, do you inhale the 22nd breath (which you hold for one minute) through your nose or your mouth? Again I've seen multiple versions of this, Sadghuru did it through the nose but others claim you must do it also through the mouth. One video even said you should already hold the 21st breath of the set while Sadghuru seems to hold the 22nd after he finished the 21 normally. What's your take?

I breath in through the nose, it's mostly out of habit. If you're outside and exercising you shouldn't breath in from the mouth in cold weather as you get cold air directly in, while the nose heats the air. This shouldn't be a problem in India normally, but if you breath through the mouth you could swallow flying insects by mistake maybe?

I don't think it's super important how you count, there is a symbolic where 3 x 7 matter because 7 chakras, but if you add one deep breath after to hold or not I think is more a matter of if you are able to fill your lungs on the last breath or not. If you broke off at 20 it would have some less effect because it's not 7 on the last set, but adding one can't harm I think.